13th Edition of CSSD-UDJG, 12th and 13th of June 2025
Perspectives and challenges in doctoral research
Paper registration (oral presentation/poster): authors will fill in the Registration Form (click here) and send it to the following e-mail address (indicated below) for the session which he/she wants to attend. Each author can participate in a maximum of 2 sections.
The poster must be presented in an A1 format according to the model indicated here.
The registration of all participants will be carried out via an email sent to the address indicated below for each section (sections) where the paper (papers) will be defended, after the paper(s) in question have been accepted.
Submitting Application form and Abstract(s): April 28, 2025, to the following e-mail address:
Section 1. Advanced Research in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
Section 2. Advanced Investigation Methods in Environment and Biohealth
Section 3. Progress in Food Science and Bio-resources Engineering
Section 4. Advances in Engineering and Management in Agriculture and Rural Development
Section 5. Advanced Research in Electrical / Electronic Engineering, System Engineering and Information Technologies
Section 6. Future of Eco-nanotechnologies, Functional Materials and Coatings
Section 7. Chemistry - Electrochemistry in Life Sciences
Section 8. Recent Theories in Medical Research
Section 9. Recent Practices in Medical Research
Section 10. Advanced Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences
Section 11. Economic Models and Strategies of Competitiveness
Section 13. Contemporary Critical Approaches on Romanian Literature
Section 14. Cultural Spaces: Retrospective and Prospective Views
S.14.1 English Literature, Linguistics and Translation Studies
S.14.2 French Language and Literature
Section 15. History, society, economy and spirituality in the Romanian territory
Section 16. Advanced research in human motricity and kinetotherapy
Section 17. Advanced research in the field of legal sciences
Notification regarding the paper(s) acceptance: May 05, 2024.